Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition) – PDF – EBook -


Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition) – PDF – EBook

Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition) – PDF – EBook

Short Description:

Product Description



  • Authors:  Douglas C. Giancoli
  • File Size:  10 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Paperback: 917 pages
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley
  • Language: English
  • CategoriesPhysics
  • Year         : 2013
  • ISBN-10:   0321625919
  • ISBN-13:  9780321625915
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Elegant, engaging, exacting, and concise, Giancoli’s Physics: Principles with Applications with MasteringPhysics ®, Seventh Edition, helps you view the world through eyes that know physics.


Giancoli’s text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Starting with concrete observations and experiences students can relate to, the text then moves on to the great generalizations of physics. This approach demonstrates why we believe what we believe and reflects the way science is practiced. 


Written with the goal of giving you a thorough understanding of all of the basic concepts of physics, the text uses interesting applications to biology, medicine, architecture, and digital technology to show you how useful physics is to your everyday life and in your future profession.


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